Marketing Freaks

Social Media Group Discussion: Social Media Platform, Advantages And Disadvantage


In this 21st century, there have been changes and developments in everything from human lifestyle to technology. And one of these changes is the change in the communication system. In today’s world communication is not limited to one or two people. Now we can communicate with a thousand people or more than this at the same time within a few seconds without any problem. And this development in communication has become possible only because of social media. Social media has emerged as a good and important tool not only for communication but also for businesses. So let us try to understand how social media is attracting groups of people and what is the role of digital marketing in all this.

"Social Media Discussion"
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What is social media? And some famous social media platforms in India.

In simple words social media is an Online means of communication between two or more than two people. All these communications happen online. Through social media, we can talk to anyone in any corner of the world sitting at home, and sem on video calls. Social media is also a source of entertainment, education, news, political and social awareness and many more things.

Here are some famous Social media Platforms in India:-








The role of social media group discussion in Digital marketing

In today’s generation people spend more time on social media in comparison to their family and friends. We can see thousands of groups on social media which are made up of people who have similar interests whether it is entertainment or business tips. And inside these groups we get to see a glimpse of social media group discussion where people share their art, skills, suggestions, ideas, experiences and business proposals and many more things with each other. Social media is not only used for entertainment, but it is a source of income for many and also to make your business reach more and more people and make it successful. And the most important role that plays in this is digital marketing. Digital marketing is all about attracting and reaching more and more people to convince people to use and promote their brand through social media.

Impact of social media group discussion

As we discussed, there are more than thousands of groups on social media who have similar interests. They share their thoughts, ideas and reviews on many topics with each other. As today’s generation spend a lot of time on social media, these thoughts, ideas, trends or whatever they see on social media affects them a lot. These effects can be both Positive and negative as mentioned below.

"Impact of social media group discussion"

Advantage of Social Media Discussion

Awareness: – Social media gives us the fastest news update of our surroundings and it also makes us aware about our social and political rights and condition. Along with that we are always up to date about things which are happening all around the world with the help of social media.

Entertainment: – We can entertain ourselves by watching thousands of videos which are available on social media all the time.

Education: – Social media has lots of educational sources as well as entertainment. There are lots of online classes and many more learning opportunities on social media.

Connect with new people: – Through social media we can connect with anyone all over the world and make them friends. We can also chat with them.

Business growth: – Social media is one of the best ways to promote and advertise any product and through this anyone can make growth in their business.

Disadvantage of Social Media Discussion

False Information: – There are thousands of videos available on social media but not every video has right and useful information. So sometimes these videos can manipulate people in the wrong way.

Misuse of Personal information: – As people post their pictures and personal information on social media so there are chances that someone can use these things in wrong ways.

Waste of time: As social media has lots of entertaining and useful videos, That’s why people get so engrossed in using social media that they don’t pay attention to other things. Due to which their other things get affected and time is wasted.

Cyberbullying: – Social media can be used for cyberbullying.

Effect on health:- Spending more time on social media can affect our sleep time and eyes also. Because we spend more time on social media, we are able to sleep less.

The second use is social media, very useful for creating the brand and connecting you with your audience, Find out how to take advantage of different platforms from our ultimate guide . Find some tips that will allow you to start interacting with your audience and get the most out of these social network

3 thoughts on “Social Media Group Discussion: Social Media Platform, Advantages And Disadvantage”

  1. I have never heard about such a good explanation about social media and as a beginner it is very good for me to see this post. Thank you so much marketing freak for this.

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